Invitation playtesting session Redesire: playing urban redevelopment
[well size=”sm”]Participation and co-creation with various stakeholders are increasingly intertwined in urban planning projects. Finding new tools for enhancing public participation become a significant issue in urban planning field and using games is one of the latest efforts. Redesire is an interactive multiplayer urban game by Rezone in partnership with Heijmans (international construction company).
Redesire is a platform for various urban development stakeholders to engage with one another’s spatial desires. This serious game challenges players to engage with each other during the (re)development of an area. Redesire tries to provide a safe space for multiple stakeholders with seemingly opposing interests to meet, discuss, and work on possible solutions that overcome their differences. Playing with the different interests at stake at different levels of an urban development process creates a ‘map of interests’ for specific areas and developments in the city, which could be a new form of blueprint in planning process.
On Monday Nov 20 2017, 11:00-13:00 we organize a playtesting, together with Tessa Peters and Rolf van Boxmeer from Rezone. The aim of the session is to analyze the game mechanics and dynamics, in order to find out how Redesire can contribute to deeper and more sustainable forms of citizen engagement in the planning process.
11:00 welcome
11:15 playtesting
12:30 wrap-up, discussion and reflection
13:00 end
More background info about Redesire [/well]