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Invitation playtesting session Redesire: playing urban redevelopment
[well size=”sm”]Participation and co-creation with various stakeholders are increasingly intertwined in urban planning projects. Finding new tools for enhancing public participation become a significant issue in urban planning field and using games is one of the latest efforts. Redesire is an interactive multiplayer urban game by Rezone in partnership with Heijmans (international construction company). Redesire…
Read moreART, SCIENCE, CITY 2017: How Are Things Told? Keynote with Nanna Verhoeff
[well size=”sm”]The third International Congress ASC: Art, Science and City aims towards fostering and deepening multi-disciplinary art research on how experimentation of visual studies, art history, aesthetics, architecture and urban planning generate knowledge, stories and histories. To that end, we look into the generic frame of the question over contemporary discourses, under the title of…
Read moreURBAN FRICTION the [urban interfaces] graduate seminar 2017-2018
Urban processes have been impacted by frictions all throughout history. The remarkable pace and dynamics of the current phase of global urbanization in the age of mediatization, datafication, and pervasive connectivity suggest a new age where insular, political boundaries have come to shift radically. Perhaps to a larger extent than before, people are identifying as…
Read moreConference “A City as Smart as its Citizens” 24 Oct. 2017 @NatLab, Eindhoven (Dutch Design Week/World Design Event).
This event at Dutch Design Week: is moderated by our member Michiel de Lange as part of MCWs ongoing partnership with Het Nieuwe Instituut. How do we go beyond the “smart city” and build a smart society? The DATAstudio has spent three years studying how citizens and neighbourhoods can benefit from data and technology. The…
Read moreTwo-day pressure cooker workshop: “Urban Interventions and Critical Making”
[collapsibles] [collapse title=”Call for Workshop Critical Making of Frictional Urban Interfaces”] To register for the workshop please adhere to the following call for application [/collapse]
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