ART, SCIENCE, CITY 2017: How Are Things Told? Keynote with Nanna Verhoeff
[well size=”sm”]The third International Congress ASC: Art, Science and City aims towards fostering and deepening multi-disciplinary art research on how experimentation of visual studies, art history, aesthetics, architecture and urban planning generate knowledge, stories and histories. To that end, we look into the generic frame of the question over contemporary discourses, under the title of this third edition, How Are Things Told? What we aim for is opening up new avenues of knowledge that take art as methodology and starting point, to tackle questions as real as the awareness of present, image inflation, the matter of the missing images; the media configuration of contemporary brand cities; and those practices that place themselves out of bounds of academic structures and that resort to alternative fields and cultures, in an attempt to decentralize and escape the West as axis of thought.
This Third International Congress ASC: Art, Science and City: How Are Things Told? Is an inter-university project which, fostered from the Department of Art and Architecture and the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Málaga, Spain, in collaboration with the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Universitat Politécnica de València (Polytechnic University of València) and the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (University of the Basque Country), will include PANELS that will develop three lines of analysis that will tackle the title line of the congress. A CREATIVE ROOM with practical proposals for a variety of technical devices. The ART & ENTERPRISE ENCOUNTERS will be a space to establish contacts between research and production. The RESEARCH GROUPS MEETING is a meeting of different research teams, with the objective of sharing problems, trouble-shooting and research lines.[/well]