8 November 2017
15:00 - 17:00
Parnassos, Kruisstraat 201, Utrecht.
“Interfaces for Urban Frictions”
In the first session, Michiel de Lange, Sigrid Merx, Hira Sheikh and Nanna Verhoeff will briefly introduce the three central frameworks that will be used to discuss some fundamental theoretical questions that have formed and challenged urban frictions through-out the seminar. The three central frameworks being:
1) frictions in participatory culture,
2) urban publicness and civic city-making, and
3) urban interventions and the critical making of urban interfaces
[collapse title=”Readings”]
- McQuire, S., 2016. “Introduction” and “Transforming Media and Public Space.” In: Geomedia, Networked Cities and the Politics of Urban Space. Cambridge: Polity Press, pp. 7-49
- Chantal Mouffe, 2007. Artistic Activism and Agonistic Spaces, Art and Research Journal, 1: 2
- Brejzek Thea 2014 “From Social Network to Urban Intervention: On the Scenographies of Flash Mobs and Urban Swarms.” International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media. 6: 1: 109-122.